Search the WAGS Digital Image Archive

The button above will show you snippets of what we have for your search term, so that you can see if there are any records that interest you. Links to the actual image are disabled. A Paid Search will let you view and print the actual image.

The button above is for Paid Search only; it sends you to a ‘Member Check’ page that checks for membership and if not, it sends you to a notice page. With a Paid Search, you can view and print the actual image.

1.  Use the ‘Free Search’ button to see if the archive has any useful content; it shows a ‘Teaser’ of the actual content of the image based on your search.

2. The ‘Paid Search’ option is only for WAGS members that are LOGGED IN; they can view and print.  OR

3. You can do a free search, copy the search results, and paste it in this order form for us to copy and send to you. BUT

4. You can join WAGS for two days, a week, or month for much less than a full one-year membership; you can then view and print your own copies. Just click the ‘Join WAGS’ button below and select the membership option from 2 days, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year

(see expanded details below).

Click Here to Join WAGS

To search the archives whether a WAGS member or not:

  •  Select the appropriate Search button above.

  • Type a “Search Term” into the form, then hit Enter.

  • For successful searches, each found search term includes a “Teaser” of text near the search term showing potential useful information.

To view the actual image and print it if desired, you must be a WAGS member for either 2 days, a week, a month, or a year. Typically, WAGS members join for a year. To join WAGS, click Here or click the Join/Renew menu item on the top or bottom of any page on this website. You are always welcome to join in order to donate to WAGS or to view the members-only info, some of which allows free access to genealogical resources not available to the public.

WAGS, a non-profit organization, spends a lot of time and money to make its archive documents available online. It is only fair that we receive some revenue to help with this expense.

ADJACENT PAGES: If you are a member viewing a document and want to view the next or preceding document that may not show in the search results, go to the address bar at the top of your browser and change the page number that is in parentheses; then hit the enter key and that page will be shown (if it exists). This can be done to view or print adjacent pages such as from a bulletin or book. 

The Images

The original images were photographed using a 24 megapixel camera and compressed into high resolution JPEG image files (anywhere from 5 to 12 megabytes each). The JPEG files were then processed through an OCR program (Abbyy FineReader or equivalent) to produce compact searchable PDF files (anywhere from 50 to 300 kilobytes each). It is these PDF files that you see when viewing images. Non-text image items like photographs, art, drawings, etc., may be poorer quality than desired (this is purposeful to keep the file size small). The original high resolution JPEG images are available for separate purchase if desired.

For those who don’t want to purchase a short or long term membership to view or print the normal compressed images, you can order a printed copy of the compressed image; just fill out this: On-line Order form (you will need to provide the entire name of the searched item or items you  wish to purchase; just copy and paste it from the search list.)

If you want a copy of the original high resolution JPEG image sent to you via email, DropBox, flash drive, CD, etc., contact the WAGS Library via email or phone ( with the exact name of the item, then work out the payment and shipping details. The cost of the high resolution images will vary depending on the medium used to supply the image to you and the effort to process the request and could range from $6 to $20 per image. Note that the original image file size is in the 10 megabyte range and some email systems can’t or won’t handle files of that size; gmail, for example, limits attached file size to 25 megabytes as of 2023.