Hutterite Cemetery

Grant County
Marlin, WA 98832
Lat: 47º 21′ 09″ N Lon: 119º 02′ 33 WT22N R30E Sec 33
Transcribed by Maggie Rail, 7 Apr 2006 and last edited 29 Mar 2010. 
Rock wall that serves as the entrance of Hutterite Cemetery.
From the junction of Hwy 28 and Hwy 17 in Soap Lake, proceed east on Hwy 28 approximately twenty-one miles to the intersection with County Rd U NE. Turn south on County Rd U NE and proceed about two and a half miles to Rd 18 NE.  Go east on Rd 18 NE about one quarter mile and the cemetery is behind a row of trees on the left near the entrance to a farm.
Driving east of Hwy 28, a mile after crossing the Lincoln/Grant County line, turn left/south onto W NE Rd and continue for about 2 miles. Turn right/west onto Rd 18 NE and continue until you see the farm. The cemetery is to the right of the entrance into the farm, behind the row of trees. It is owned and very well maintained by the Marlin Hutterite Brethren. It has a rock wall front with rock pillar posts in the fence which encloses the cemetery. The family name of Gross is written in the old German spelling on some of the stones. The first burial in this cemetery was in 1978.
The Hutterites are an etho-religious group that is a communal branch of Anabaptists who, like the Amish and Mennonites, trace their roots to the Radical Reformation of the 16th century. They believe that “all property is owned incommon by the colony”. There are many groups in the NW who migrated from Canada into Montana, and North Dakota, when land prices in Canada had sky-rocketed because of the oil and gas industry. 
Great photos ©Maggie Rail at her website, Ewanida Rail Records.  See Links on the main menu.
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Hutterite Cemetery