Delight Cemetery aka Sand Hills

Adams County
Lind, WA 99341 T15N R24E SEC 10
Contributed by Fred Pflugrath. Last updated 2016. 
The cemetery is in Adams County and was established in 1890. It is located just off the intersection of State Hwy 26 (Othello to Washtucna) and State Hwy 21 (Lind to Kahlotus) in the northeast section of the X. The cemetery is approximately 4 acres in size. It does not have water, so by the fall, the grass and weeds are getting tall. The cemetery was walked 7 Mar 2013 and visited again in June 2014.
The cemetery was started in 1890. The town was about 1 mile north of the cemetery. An entry in the listing of cemeteries for Adams County tells of the cemetery in the yard of the Christian Church that was 1 3/4 miles north of the Levi Sutton place. That may be the present Delight Cemetery. Levi Sutton is buried in the Michigan Prairie Cemetery east of Hatton and near the Morgan holdings in Sand Hills].
Delight Cemetery, Adams County, WA
Kiosk on the middle of Delight Cemetery showing location of grave sites
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Delight Cemetery