Hamilton Cemetery

Douglas County
East Wenatchee, WA 98802 USA
Lat: 47º 26′ 01″ N, Lon: 120º 14′ 58″ W
T22N R21N SEC 6
Contributed by Howard Lowell, Nov 11, 2000. Last updated 2020.
This report of the Hamilton Cemetery was compiled by LaVere Peters in December 2000, from the following: 11 October 1981 report prepared by Marion. Joanne Calhoun, who listed 61 graves, stated that there might be 10 or 12 unmarked graves. Another report 30 October 2000 prepared by Howard Lowell, who walked the cemetery, reported a total of 70 burials plus an unknown number of unmarked graves. He commented that the cemetery is in pretty good shape and that he thinks it is cleaned once a year for Memorial Day.

The asterisks preceding some names in the cemetery records indicate that some information was added from obituaries. Their reports were supplemented by information from the library of the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society in Wenatchee, Washington. Notations surrounded by parentheses in the “Notes” column in the cemetery records are quotations from the headstones. The WAGS Library has a map of the Hamilton Cemetery as well as a map showing the location of all the known cemeteries in Douglas County.  
 Go north on Eastmont Avenue. After 1 1/2 miles from 15th St. NE on the road to Fancher Field, turn right on the dirt road (Sand Canyon).  There is a gate a half mile beyond the pavement and is posted for no trespassing.  The Hamilton Cemetery is 1.3 miles up Sand Canyon from the pavement. Permission is needed to enter this cemetery.
The cemetery is on private property and access is restricted to family members and relatives.  Contact Mike Bromiley (509-884-3475 or 509-669-8701)
There is a CD of the Hamilton Cemetery in the WAGS Library with plat map and photographs of headstones.
WAGS File Photos
WAGS File Photos
WAGS File Photos
WAGS File Photos
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Hamilton Cemetery