Hartline Cemetery

Grant County, East of Hartline, Hartline, WA 99135
Lat: 47º 41′ 04″ N, Lon: -119º 05′ 38″ T25N R30E SEC
Originally contributed by Pat Rice, Sep 24, 2001 and also by Maggie Rail the same year.
Latest update 2016.

The cemetery is located about ½ mile east of Hartline on state Hwy 2. The cemetery is neat and clean with green grass during the summer. On the machine shed, there is a large map placed by the City of Hartline, showing burials in the cemetery. It is very easy to use and the numbering system that Hartline uses is very easy to understand.  Fred Pflugrath used the work of Maggie Rail from 2001 and from Jerry McCoy from June 1978 to compile this record. The city records were destroyed in a fire in 1931 – early records have been made from memory or other sources. The cemetery is about 2 acres in size and is fenced and irrigated. Fred started walking the cemetery in November 2008, finished April 2009.

Some of the deceased have obituaries on file at the WAGS Library.

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Hartline Cemetery