Bridgeport Cemetery

Douglas County
15th St. Fisk Ave Bridgeport, WA 98813
Lat: 48º 00′ 18″ N, Lon: 119º 40′ 26″ W  T29N R25E SEC 15
Contributed by Fred Pflugrath, Apr 10, 2004 and last updated 2019.
The cemetery is located inside the city limits of Bridgeport at the corner of 15th and Fisk Avenue, just south of Bridgeport High School and the high school football field. The cemetery is lawned, mowed and cared for by the city of Bridgeport.
Fred Pflugrath walked the cemetery on 24 April 2002 and finished on 1 May 2002. The cemetery is very clean – shrubs trimmed, grass nice and green and has been mowed by the city of Bridgeport maintenance department.
The first column in the cemetery records is the location of the grave in the cemetery, i.e. — S9 is South of the center road and in row 9 from the entrance of the cemetery.
Most have an obit on file at the WAGS Library in Wenatchee.
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Bridgeport Cemetery