Learn with us

We’re still finding our stride after Covid-19 canceled our activities, but this list will show you what we’re doing now, and what we’re hoping to re-establish as we find normal again:

Membership meetings: Gather with your WAGS genealogy friends on the second Monday of every month at 2:00 p.m. We are having mostly hybrid meetings, with Zoom and in person at the East Wenatchee, WA FamilySearch Center. We’re enjoying the nationally known speakers who have made themselves available during and continuing since Covid. Watch the calendar and events pages on this website to see what’s coming up.

Interest groups and classes: Before Covid-19 arrived, WAGS was a little beehive of activity, with a half-dozen interest groups meeting to exchange experiences. These included:

            Roots Magic

            Roots Magic for beginners

            DNA interest group

            Writers group

            Beginning Genealogist class

            Genealogy Research class

We hope to resume these in the near future.

Digital access every Wednesday: Our technology expert will be in the library every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00. He’ll be working on digitizing materials for WAGS databases but would be happy to assist you with digitizing your family documents and photographs. Email info@wags-web.org to set up an appointment.