Brisky Treadwell Cemetery

Chelan County
6039-6099 Hazel Place Cashmere, WA 98815 USA
Lat: 47º 30′ 54″ N, Lon: 120º 29′ 45″ W T23N R19E SEC 5
The cemetery was walked Nov. 13, 1998 by Fred Flugrath. Last update 2016.The cemetery is located .8 miles west on Pioneer Avenue from Cashmere Middle School in Cashmere, WA. Turn left/south on Wohler for about 100 feet and turn right/west on Hazel Place. Go up Hazel Place about .1 mile and turn left/south and go up the dirt road to the top of the hill. The cemetery is enclosed in chain link fence with a gate.
The # in the cemetery records denotes that records show that they were buried in the cemetery and then moved to the Cashmere Cemetery. There were 4 graves marked with a red stone – no inscriptions. There were possibly other unmarked graves.
Briskey/Brisky family history claims this cemetery was the first white cemetery in the upper Wenatchee Valley. It became known as the Briskey-Treadwell Cemetery because the Briskeys, Treadwells, and several friends and neighbors who died in those rugged, early pioneer days are buried in this cemetery. The property was eventually dedicated to the city of Cashmere to be used as a cemetery or park. (Source: Briskey/Brisky Family History, Part 7 – Sandel DeMastus @ 
Obits for most are on file at the WAGS Library.
Brisky Treadwell Cemetery Photo courtesy of Dick and Paula Banning, (WAGS)
David Treadwell 22 Feb 1851 – 8 Aug 1913 and Emma C. Treadwell 1852 -1926 Photo courtesy of Dick and Paula Banning, (WAGS)
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Brisky Treadwell Cemetery