Jameson Cemetery

Douglas County, Jameson, WA 98830
Lat: 47º 41′ 08″ N, Lon: 119º 39′ 49″
Contributed by Fred Pflugrath, Sep 23, 2000.
Last update Jan 2002.
Jameson Cemetery is located 8.5 miles straight south of Mansfield and then one mile west on Rd 5 NE. The cemetery is located where Rd 5 NE and Rd D NE cross. The cemetery which is fenced on three sides is about 2 acres in size. Only two graves were found with one stone — there are others (guessing 20?) marked with metal pens. Some graves still having four pens while others had 3, 2 and even just one pen left in the ground. The area has been overgrown by the sagebrush and other natural vegetation.
ATTENTION:  There is an UN-COVERED WELL on the grounds where the Jameson School was located.
* denotes – no stone on the cemetery records.
Obits are on file at the WAGS library in Wenatchee.
Fred Pflugrath finished walking the cemetery on May 12, 1999.  From the appearance, I doubt if anyone had been there in sometime except for the county road crew.  The sagebrush in some areas is at least 4 feet tall. 
Jameson Lake Cemetery. Notice the spike, there are about 10 which probably mark where graves were. A wildfire in 1948 destroyed all the wooden markers.
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Jameson Cemetery