Marlin Cemetery aka Krupp

Grant County
314 Rd C 4 NE, Marlin, WA 98832
(509) 345-2466
Lat: 47º 24′ 15′ N, Lon: -118º 59′ 32″ W        T22N R30E SEC 13
Contributed by Maggie Rail, August 2004, Latest update 2015.
To reach the cemetery, just east of Stratford and Wilson Creek, there will be a sign to turn north or left as you are driving east on Hwy 28 onto Rd 22 NE. Continue on this road for about 3 miles downhill most of the way. Before you reach Marlin, turn left as you pass an old stucco building on your right. After one quarter mile you will see a Marlin Cemetery sign on the right, directing you left for a short distance.
The Krupp Cemetery began about 1903. The land was deeded by George and Helen Urquhart, whose children’s graves were moved to the cemetery. The Krupp Valley Cemetery Association manages the cemetery. It is well kept and very neat.  The name of the cemetery and the town of Krupp were changed to Marlin in 1918, honoring the first settler to this area, Henry Marlin.
Maggie Rail has a website (Ewanida Rail Records) that has wonderful photos and the history of this interesting old German cemetery. See links in the main menu of this website.
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Marlin Cemetery