Mennonite Cemetery

Grant County, East of Tiflis, WA 98837
Lat: 47º 04′ 13″ N, Lon: -119º 01′ 25″ W    T18N R30E SEC 11
Contributed by Terry and Ann Olsen, Jul 13, 2000  Updated by Fred Pflugrath 20 October 2010
To locate the Mennonite Cemetery, from the intersection of I-90 and Hwy 17 at Moses Lake, go east on I-90 about nine and one half miles to Exit 188. Go south on Road U SE about one and one quarter mile to Rd 1 SE. Proceed east on Rd 1 SE, one mile to Rd V SE.  Go South on Rd V SE about 100 yards and the cemetery is on the east side of the road.
Take the Warden Exit 189 from the interstate and turn south. Go about 1 mile on the road towards Warden.  Just after you cross the creek, take Road “1” to the east.  You are on a gravel road traveling east. Go approximately 1 mile. As you go up the hill, on the north side of the county road, there is a sign probably put up by Danekas Funeral Home, Ritzville.  It has the markers attached to the metal sign of those people that there is a record of that are buried in the cemetery. 
 Notes of Interest: There are no tombstones and/or marking of any sort in the cemetery.  The cemetery was disked this summer to cut the number of weeds. I walked the cemetery Sunday, 17 Oct 2010. As of the date, there were 21 names on the sign – it looked as if at least 4 – maybe as high as 9 names have been taken. 
Kiosk at Mennonite Cemetery – Photo courtesy of Billion Graves
One of the metal markers from the kiosk.
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Mennonite Cemetery