Peshastin Cemetery

Chelan County, Peshastin, WA 98847 USA
Lat: 47º 34′ 58″ N, Lon: 120º 36′ 27″ W       T24N R18E SEC 8
Contributed by Fred Pflugrath 23 Sep 2000.  Last Updates 2019.

The Peshastin Cemetery is located about .5 miles north of the Peshastin Post Office on the North Road to Leavenworth on the corner of North Road and Anderson Canyon. It was originally named Booth Canyon after the family who first settled there. It was later changed to Anderson Canyon after Adolph Anderson, a Swede who first came to the area to work at the Blewett Mines. Jacob L. Foss, who lived near the mouth of the canyon, donated the land to the Peshastin Community for the cemetery. Today the cemetery is very well maintained and encompasses a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains and orchards.  ( )

Peshastin is a small community whose history has deep roots in the early irrigation of the valley. The “Peshastin Ditch” was dug by pioneers beginning in 1889.  The town was platted in the early 1890s.

Obits for most are on file at the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society Library in Wenatchee, WA

Peshastin Cemetery Photo courtesy of Dick and Paul Banning, Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society
Peshastin Cemetery Photo courtesy of Dick and Paul Banning, Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society
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Peshastin Cemetery