Schultz Memorial Cemetery aka Ruff and Kappel

Grant County
19249 Lakeview Sr. NW, Marlin (Ruff), WA
Lat: 47º 12′ 37″ N, Lon: -119º 33′ 35″ W T20N R30E SEC 24
Contributed by Maggie Rail, May 21, 2005.  Last updated 2017.
From the intersection of I-90 and SR 17 in Moses Lake, go east on I-90 for nine and a half miles to Exit 188.  Proceed north on Rd U NE for three miles to Rd 3 NE. Go east on Rd 3 NE for two miles to Rd W NE.  Go north on Rd W NE 5 1/2 miles. The cemetery in on the east side of the road.
Sometimes referred to as Kappel Cemetery after William Kappel who gave the County historical information about the cemetery, as well as Ruff Cemetery. The cemetery contains the burials of many early German settlers in this area.
With permission from Maggie Rail “Ewanida Rail Records” website
With permission from Maggie Rail “Ewanida Rail Records” website.
With permission from Maggie Rail “Ewanida Rail Records” website
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Schultz Memorial Cemetery