Swauk Cemetery

Kittitas County
2161 Ballard Rd W, Cle Elum, WA 98922
Lat 47.2017887       Lon 120.7442449         T20N R17E
Last updated by Fred Pflugrath in 2019.
Swauk Cemetery, aka Swauk Prairie Cemetery, is located about 1 mile south on state Hwy 970 from the Lauderdale Junction. At about a mile, you will turn north onto a county road – Swauk Prairie Road and go about a mile to Ley Road. Turn south and go to the first paved county road to the west – West Ballard Hill Road. The cemetery is about 200 yards from the intersection. The cemetery does have many trees.
It is a tiny private cemetery with several pioneer families. The first burial was in 1884 – Mary Evans. By 1896 it was estimated that there were 30 graves. Today There are approximately 300 graves on the 5-acre site. One source says that there are 212 graves of which 25 or more are unmarked. This list includes those graves with and without stones.
It has been charted and records are kept. The land was purchased from the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1902. Information on this index is from the walk through the cemetery by Leslie Larson, information from the internet – mainly the Kittitas County Genealogical Society, and a walk through the cemetery by Fred Pflugrath in the spring of 2010.  His last walk through was Saturday, 5 June 2010.
Swauk Cemetery Association
1302 Swauk Prairie Rd.
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Swauk Cemetery