Tumwater Cemetery aka Mission/Pioneer

Chelan County, Leavenworth, WA 98826 USA
Lat: 47º 35′ 23″ N, Lon: 120º 40′ 27″ W   T24N 17E SEC 11
Contributed by Fred Pflugrath 23 Sep 2000
Location updated by Dick and Paul Banning Sep 2006.
Tumwater Cemetery, aka Mission Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery, Leavenworth, WA 98826 is located in the city of Leavenworth, north of Hwy 2, west of the state highway department and across Highway 2 from the Icicle Inn. It is directly behind the HeidleBurger Drive In, about 300 feet. The records of the cemetery have been lost. When the cemetery was walked in the spring of 1999, no stones were found, but there were a couple of bases still on the grounds. 
The small “Old Leavenworth Cemetery” had been established about 1906 by the Great Northern Railroad, just east of the entrance to Tumwater Canyon and provided the free interment of its deceased employees. A pleasant plot with a picket fence in the early 1930s, but by 1966, only three headstones remained. Volunteers through the years had uncovered 5 other markers by 1992. However, since that time all but the old headstones have vanished from the site. At one time there were 75 burials. A new cemetery was needed because it was full and the “graves were being blasted into the sides of the coulee”.  (Stevens Pass by JoAnn Roe, p. 104)
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Tumwater Cemetery