Valley View Cemetery

Douglas County, East Wenatchee, WA
Lat: 47.4729044   Lon: -120.2992395
Driving instructions from East Wenatchee, WA follow Sunset Highway north approximately 5 miles. Cemetery is on the right hand side of the highway 3 tenths of a mile beyond the intersection of Sunset Highway and US 2.
We have copied the inscriptions on the stones. We have included such information as Mother, Father, Sister, and Son. We used ( ) marks to enclose information secured from other sources. Even in the process of restoration this cemetery is in rather poor condition.  As indicated above under “Marker” many of the graves are not marked and it is still not determined how many have been moved to other cemeteries. Credit for this cemetery record must be given to Mildred Monosmith Travis for the many hours and great effort she has given to accomplish the end result. We completed reading the remaining markers in this cemetery 25 Oct 1999 and have compared it with the record compiled by Ms. Travis.  Frank Neher, Volunteer.
Photo courtesy of Dick and Paul Banning (WAGS)
Photo courtesy of Dick and Paul Banning (WAGS)
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Valley View Cemetery