Welsh Cemetery

Grant County, East of Hartline, Hanson Station, WA
Lat: 47º 42′ 50″ N, Lon: -119º 02′ 41″ W
T26N R30E SEC 28
Contributed by Pat Rice, Mar 20, 2000. Last updated 2015 by Fred Pflugrath.
Location: From St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Hartline, go north 2 miles. Turn right/east on 43rd NE and go 3 miles. Turn right/south one mile to 42nd NE. Then turn right/west on 42nd NE and go about ¼ of a mile. The cemetery is at the top of the hill on the north, inside an old wire fence with some private metal fences inside the grounds. Many of the stones are in Welch.
Alternate Directions: From the intersection of US Hwy 2 and Rd R NE in Hartline, proceed three miles west on US 2 to Rd U NE. Go North on Rd U NE for two miles to Rd 43 NE. A dirt road on the west side of Rd U NE goes up a slight hill to the north to the cemetery about 100 feet into a wheat field. The cemetery is surrounded by private property,
The cemetery was walked by Mrs. Pat Rice in 1999 and 2003. The cemetery is fenced. The cemetery was walked by Fred Pflugrath, October 23, 2008.
At one time the Welsh church was located between the dirt county road and the cemetery. The Welsh Cemetery was a church cemetery. The cemetery was formed in 1892 when George and Esther Roberts deeded two acres of land to the Zion Welsh Calvinistic Church for the sum of $1. The church was torn down in the 1940s.
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Welsh Cemetery