Wheeler Cemetery aka Pioneer Memorial Gardens

Grant County, 14403 Road 2 NE, Wheeler, WA, WA 98827-9324
(509) 766-0191
Lat: 47º 06′ 58″ Lon: 119º 46″ ___    T19N R28E SEC 28
Contributed by Maggie Rail, Nov 16, 2005, last edited 2017 by Fred Pflugrath.
From Moses Lake proceed east on I-90 about three miles to exit 182. Go north on Road O NE about one and 1/2 miles to Road 2 NE. Go west about 1/2 mile. The cemetery is on the south side of the road.
Get permission at the Cemetery Office before entering  or viewing the cemetery.  IT IS ON PRIVATE LAND.
The cemetery was established in 1905 It was originally a one acre City Cemetery, aka Wheeler Cemetery. In the 1950s it was deeded to the Oddfellows who expanded it to about 9 acres. In 2001 it was purchased by the Benson Family. It has changed hands again, but the owners are not currently known. There are currently over 5000 burials listed.
Photo with permission of Maggie Rail “Ewanida Rail Records”
Photo with permission of Maggie Rail “Ewanida Rail Records”
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Wheeler Cemetery