Del Rio Cemetery

Douglas County
Del Rio, WA 99133
Lat 48º 00′ 17″ N, Lon: 119º 13′ 49″ W

Contributed by Pat Rice, Sep 23, 2000. Last updated 2017.
The cemetery is located north of Hwy 174 between Leahy Junction and Grand Coulee. Turn north from Hwy174 at the sign saying Del Rio Grange. When you get to the Grange Hall – turn right/east on CR 27 NE and continue until you get to CR X NE. The cemetery is located on the south side of CR 27 NE. It is fenced with the graves located in the west section of the cemetery. Near the gate is located a small memorial to the Del Rio Community Church. Inscribed is “In memory of the Del Rio Community Church, The Faith of the Pioneers That Built It, Will Remain Forever 1917-1971, John 3-16”. 
The cemetery was started in 1908.
Fred Pflugrath walked the cemetery in 1999 and then again 30 Oct 2000.  From the appearance, the cemetery is cleaned at least once a year, probably for Memorial Day. I am sure that there were unmarked graves and at least 20 graves with unreadable stones. .
Del Rio Community Church Memorial Photo courtesy of Darlene Rice Dittmer (FAG
Del Rio Grange Hall located 3 miles west of Del Rio Cemetery Photo courtesy of Fred Pflugrath
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Del Rio Cemetery