Evangeliscen Emanuel Cemetery aka Angelican Emanuel

Douglas County
Farmer, WA 98858
Lat: 47º 34′ 35″ N, Lon  119º 48′ 42″ W
T24N R24E SEC 16
Located 2.5 miles south of Farmer on the west side of the county road. Fred Pflugrath finished walking the cemetery on June 8, 1998. From the appearance, the cemetery is about 100 feet by 50 feet in size.  The cemetery had been prepared for Memorial Day and was still in good shape. 
Information for the above update came from the cemetery map, Fred and Martha Besel, Helen (Besel) Grande, the Evangeliscen Emanuel Church records, and the walk through.
Most of the above have obits on file at the WAGS library in Wenatchee.
Last update:  14 July 2014
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Evangeliscen Emanuel Cemetery