Fletcher Cemetery aka Central

Douglas County
Lamoine, WA
Lat: 47º 44′ 35″ N, Lon: 119º 56′ 30′ W
T26N R23E SEC 21
Located 2 miles west of Lamoine and then turn north one mile on a dirt county road to the corner of Rd I NW and Rd 9 NW – SW corner of the intersection. The land for the cemetery (and a school which was located about 1/2 mile west of the cemetery) was given by Mr. Fred Fletcher.
There is one stone with a large M on the top and a smaller D on the side, standing about 3 feet tall. There are at least 6 graves without stones or markings. Many have obits on file at the WAGS library in Wenatchee.
From Waterville go east on US 2 for 9 miles. Turn north/left on Rd F NW (Supplee Rd. which becomes Logan Rd.) on Lamoine Rd.  Proceed 3 miles north.  Turn left/west on Lamoine Rd. Go 3 miles to Rd I NW, then right/north for one mile. The cemetery is located on the southwestern corner of the intersection of Rd I NW and 9 NW. You need to ford a creek on the county road and it is not passable in winter or early spring.
Fred Pflugrath finished walking the cemetery on 16 April 2001.  From the appearance, the cemetery is about three acres in size.  The cemetery is a part of the Douglas County Cemetery District, Waterville.  The natural grass and the cemetery is cleaned a couple of times a year. Last edited – Aug 5, 2005.
Photo courtesy of Fred Pflugrath
Photo courtesy of Fred Pflugrath
Fletcher Cemetery at Google Maps
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Fletcher Cemetery