Dick Family Cemetery

Okanogan County, Washington
Methow Valley, Pateros, WA 98846
Lat: 48  03  01N  Lon: 119  55  27W           T30N  R 23E  Sec 35
Submitted by Maggie Rail, 2003. Last updated by Fred Pflugrath 2020.
The cemetery is located in the Pateros School District.  Take Hwy 153 northwest (or upriver) out of Pateros towards Methow for about a mile,  The cemetery will be on the right side of the road overlooking the Methow River, on the Lewis Miller Farm.  The cemetery is just downstream a ways from the Miller Family Cemetery,  Lewis Miller owns the land on which which both are situated.  This one was the original allotment for the Dick Family and is now owned by Lewis Miller.
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Dick Family Cemetery